This launch project started with a desire to help people. We (Jenna Noce and I) knew we wanted to make a difference somehow but the details were few and far between. The main issue was that we didn't know what to tackle first. Sometimes it seems like the only way you can help is on such a large scale that young people feel like they can't or don't know how to make a change. So we decided to create a place where people who want to help but don't know how can go to find resources about getting involved in our community as well as "how to's" for volunteering and spreading positivity.
We don't want to stop at just opportunities to volunteer though. We've noticed a dangerous trend in the media in which only the bad things going on in our world are talked about. Our website will be a haven for positive media including articles, pictures and videos of citizens doing ordinary and extraordinary things on a daily basis which lead to spreading positivity in our community and throughout the world. We will provide tips and suggestions of how positive things done on a small scale can influence others and therefore "help people".
This project is all about Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) and spreading positivity throughout our community. We want to provide people with proof they can make a big difference in others lives by doing small things.
The project is still in its beginning stages but we are excited about it and hope you are too!
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