Thursday, April 3, 2014


My masterpiece is in a state of constant transformation.  It's being added to, tweaked about, and changed all the time. As I come up with a new idea I apply it to my project and BAM! Something new comes into being. It's a showcase of creativity because of the simple fact that my partner and I decided to create it. It may be constantly changing and at times vague even to us but it's an idea that's out there because we made it so. Talking about our project online, in class, or anywhere else gives us the opportunity to reach out to others and start a conversation of how we can find help to get what we need. By getting feedback or just taking part in conversation we can think more critically about what we are doing or what we want to do, and about how we can make it better. This project reflects the inner me because it's a product of my imagination. Whatever in the world I wanted to dream up or attempt I could. It has allowed me to challenge myself to narrow down what's important to me and think about how I could make that accessible to other people.

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