Monday, November 25, 2013


My version of Hell would look rather ordinary such as the world we live in now. But perhaps not inhabited by anyone else but myself. There wouldn't be any real instruments of torture such as in Dantes Inferno. Even in a normal place I believe one can be in Hell because  the mind can do dangerous things to you. Living in the space Satre set up, just a regular space with furniture but in endless day with those you can't stand would certainly be torturous.

Hell could most certainly be described as too much of anything without a break. Constant repetition can be maddening. I believe we use variety in life as a way to break up feelings and preferences to avoid getting sucked into a routine because that would cause life to become dull and upsetting.

Satre describes the setting through dialogue mainly through the characters making blunt observations of their surroundings. Being in a constant state of awareness and in constant light would be severely unpleasant especially if you were stuck in one specific place for a long time. Garcin is shocked at this new information that he will be stuck like this and tries to find loopholes and bangs against the door trying to get the attention of Valet.

Both Plato and Sartre create a place where people are trapped and alone with their thoughts. Plato's characters were trapped inside without ever being let out and Sartre´s are now trapped inside after having been on the outside.

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