Tuesday, October 8, 2013


a) What do you know about Hamlet, the "Melancholy Dane"?
  • He is a character in a play by Shakespeare. (Try to keep up with my amazing intellect here.)

b) What do you know about Shakespeare? 
  • He is one of the greatest playwrights of all time. He is famous for his tragic romances and for years high school freshman have been forced encouraged to enjoy his perhaps most famed work Romeo & Juliet.

c) Why do so many students involuntarily frown when they hear the name "Shakespeare"?
  • If you struggle with iambic pentameter or solving riddles Shakespeare can be a struggle to understand. He's old as dirt.

d) What can we do to make studying this play an amazing experience we'll never forget?
  • We could have more in class discussions to really get a feel for what is going on from multiple perspectives.

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