Sunday, October 13, 2013


It seems you have found yourself in the middle of quite the conundrum. Between young love and family the choice has never been harder since peanut butter or chocolate. But there was one perfect solution: Reeses. The best of both worlds. I know I cannot tell you to stay away from the prince, that only makes him all the more appealing. And why shouldn't you have him? If he makes you happy then he is worth it. However he is not worth the relationship you have with your brother and father. I would never encourage you to abdicate your responsibilities as a daughter. Now while this may be a brusque way to say this, I wouldn't encourage to engage in any debauchery. That being said you are probably more confused than before. But my solution for you is to find a happy medium. Be honest with your family and make it clear to them that you are willing to compromise and that this boy is someone you deem worthy of your time. As for the prince, be cautious. If he ever makes you feel like you must choose between him and your family it's time to bail. It would be an abomination to lose your family over a boy.

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