Monday, September 9, 2013


1. accolade: (n) public recognition, tribute, praise
  • The Lincoln monument is a famous accolade.
2. acerbity: (n) bitterness
  • I never understand why people choose to address others with such a high level of acerbity.
3. attrition: (n) gradual reduction in the size of a work force
  • A few years ago the education system went through quite the attrition during nationwide budget cuts.
4. bromide: (n) saying that lacks originality
  • Raining cats and dogs is an example of a bromide.
5. chauvinist: (n) somebody with a sense of superiority, sexist, homophobe
  • In my opinion, Romney is a complete chauvinist.
6. chronic: (adj) long-lasting, continuing, ever present
  • My doctor told me I have chronic tendonitis.
7. expound: (v) expand on, explain, talk about
  • I found it unnecessary to expound the details of my vacation to everyone.
8. factionalism: (n) existence of groups within a larger group.
  • Many dystopian novels are centered around the idea of factionalism.
9. immaculate: (adj) perfect, spotlessly clean
  • I don't think my room will ever reach an immaculate state.
10. imprecation: (n) curse, swearword, expletive
  • The amount of imprecations in his speech was unnecessary.
11. ineluctable: (adj) not to be avoided, inevitable
  • Growing older is ineluctable.
12. mercurial: (adj) lively and unpredictable
  • Will Ferrel is a highly mercurial actor.
13. palliate:(v) alleviate symptons, cure, heal, treat
  • Doctors are trained to palliate all different illnesses and injuries.
14. protocol: (n) a set of guidelines or rules
  • There is a specific protocol for every professional job.
15. resplendent:(adj) dazzling, impressive, splendid
  • Waterfalls are a resplendent part of nature.
16. stigmatize: (v) label as socially undesirable
  • Many cancer organizations have stigmatized smoking in public due to second hand smoke.
17. sub rosa: (adv) secretly or privately
  • They decided it was best to handle the situation sub rosa.
18. vainglory: (n) excessive pride, boastfulness in personal ability
  • Beowulf expressed a bit of vainglory while speaking to Unferth.
19. vestige: (n) a trace or sign of something that is no longer present.
  • There was a vestige of the woman's bold perfume in the air.
20. volition: (n) choice, wish, decision
  • My mother did not agree with my final volition because she deemed it irresponsible.

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