Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Canterbury Tales (I)

  • Chaucer saw first hand the different types of people making the Pilgrimage to Canterbury
  • He was raised by his merchant father but spent time working for people of all walks of life
  • He wrote for the common people about the things they witnessed within the "upper class" on a day to day basis that was often overlooked in literature.
  • I thought it was particularly interesting that Chaucer went in to so much detail with each character. Their physical description either complemented or completely disproved their inner selves.
I really want to read more about the Nun because you know she must have a good story since she tries SO very hard to appear perfect. I'm also hoping to get more of the story for the Friar.

1 comment:

  1. I had this done on 9/24 but it didn't post! Apparently it had been saved as a draft...oops.
